VMC SUPER G 177cc thermal group Ø 63mm and 57mm stroke, Side Spark Plug
VMC SUPER G 177cc thermal group Ø 63mm and 57mm stroke, Side Spark Plug
7-port cast iron cylinder, gravity spheroidal casting technology.
Bore diameter 63mm, stroke 57mm, displacement 177.59cc,
Main transfer phases 114°, exhaust 173°. Double-ring aluminum alloy piston
Die-cast aluminum head with 8 fixing points and viton O-ring head/cylinder gasket
Steel segments. Steel pin. Steel stops.
Paper/aluminium cylinder gaskets.
Exhaust manifold in zinc-plated steel screwed with Viton O-ring seal.
It is the best performing cast iron cylinder on the market!
In Italy and Europe Via GLS / DHL / Fercam
24h from order confirmation
Secure via Paypal, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Installment Payment
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